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Motorized Window Coverings

Hard Wired, Plug-In, Battery Operated
As cords become a part of the past – knowing motorization is cutting edge and in demand. We owe it to our client’s to offer this option. We’ve studied, been to classes galore, and have the experience. We can help you from conception through programming. New Build? Be sure to bring us into the process early to save time and money.

Woman opening drapes to look out the window

Why choose motorized shades?

Motorized solar shades are fast becoming the standard in window treatment options. No longer do you have to get up in the morning and pull the cord to open the blinds. Now there are programs for that! While not all motorized blinds are programmable, there are many units that have a full range of options. From opening when the sun rises to closing at sunset, these high-tech blinds can be customized to fit your lifestyle and timetable. Our experienced team is able to assist with everything from installation to setup and programming, if needed.

One of the reasons motorized blinds have become popular is the ease of use and safety aspects of this type of shade. No more tangled cords or concerned parents or pet owners. The operation is now taken care of by a mechanism that doesn’t hang down into the room space. It’s not only safer, it a neater option, as well.

Man looking out a window

Types of motorized window treatments

There are a number of different types of motorized shades and custom units available on the market today, and each has a slightly different setup, typically having to do with the way it’s powered. The most simple and generally the least expensive are battery operated, which can be an affordable choice. There are also plug-in units that can be a smart pick for many different applications, depending on what you need and your access to outlets in the area.

Those who prefer a sleek look and don’t mind a little bit of an investment can opt for hardwired units that feature state-of-the-art control as well as multiple programming choices. Our expert team offers seamless installation for these units as well as the others, and we are able to get things up and running quickly. Please reach out to our Denver office for additional details on any of the motorized window treatments we offer, and we’ll walk you through everything. If you already know what you’d like, call us and make an appointment for service and installation.