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Glasses of wine in front of an open window

Our mission and vision

Our history as a window treatment company comes with a vision and mission that has evolved over the years, yet remains much the same in many ways. Although the products we carry have become more mechanized and specialized, we still remain old-fashioned in our approach to customer care and service. We know that being attentive to the needs of our clients is what keeps people coming back, and we strive to always provide you with excellent service.

Working with designers and builders is something that has also evolved over time. Many interior design professionals now turn to us to do their measurement and installation work because they know that they can trust us to do an outstanding job. Since this type of work is all that we do, we have gotten extremely good at it! If you are a designer or homebuilder who is looking for someone to handle this area for you, let us show you what we can do. We know you’ll be impressed with our work, and our customer service. We communicate clearly and work hard—so you don’t have to!

Woman drinking coffee and looking out the window

Commitment to quality

The other thing that sets us apart from many other companies is the fact that our products are very high quality. From our blinds to our bedding, everything we stock is carefully selected for its durability and craftsmanship. It makes a difference when an item is built well. We are a Hunter Douglas Dealer, because we believe they offer a superior product.

Design Essentials works hard to identify new products that are unique. We search high and low for items that will bring a fresh look to a room or serve as a focal point for design. We’re always adding new things to our product lineup. This is one of the reasons homebuilders and designers love working with us: They can find things here that aren’t in every other catalog or store. Homeowners love that about us, too. And we aren’t afraid to add technology, either. After all, mechanical blinds and shades are catching on quickly!